Grant News

Royal Society of Chemistry Calls for Research Fund Applications (UK)

Researchers, particularly those working in less well-funded institutes, those in developing countries, and those with limited access to research funds can apply for grants of up to £5,000 to the Royal Society of Chemistry's Research Fund.

The fund aims to support new research projects that show potential to advance the field of chemistry.

The grants are available to support the costs of research, such as equipment, travel, and consumables. The fund is particularly interested in proposals that address global challenges or have the potential to lead to commercial applications.

The Research Fund was introduced in recognition of the need to support early-career researchers who may not have access to traditional funding sources. The fund aims to level the playing field and encourage diversity in the field of chemistry.

To be eligible for the Research Fund, applicants must be early-career researchers who are members of the Royal Society of Chemistry. They must also have a strong research proposal that is clearly defined, feasible, and has the potential to make a significant impact on the field of chemistry.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 4th December 2023.

21st November 2023