Grant News

The MSE Charity Announces New Funding Programme (UK)

Following a strategic review, the MSE Charity has launched its new grants programme.

Not-for-profit organisations across the UK will be able to apply for project grants of up to £10,000 to support activities that make a lasting impact on people's thinking, behaviour, and money management.

Examples of activities that could be funded include:

  • money management workshops - understanding the basics, how money works in the UK, online banking, staying financially safe, household budgeting, how to generate and supplement low incomes
  • training volunteers to deliver workshops or to provide peer-support to others
  • upskilling existing staff to access financial capability training to support their clients directly
  • providing access to financial inclusion activities for people who are disadvantaged in anyway such as by age, disability, ethnicity or gender

A two-stage application process has been introduced.

The deadline for stage one applications is the 31st July 2024. Applications may close earlier if a large number are received. Successful applicants will be invited to stage two.


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19th June 2024