Grant News

Funding for Projects which Benefit People & the Environment (UK & Republic of Ireland)

Registered charities, not-for-profit organisations, schools, local authorities and social housing providers across the UK and the Republic of Ireland can apply for grants of up to £2,000 for projects that positively impact local communities and the environment.

The Bupa Foundation Green Community Grants programme will fund practical projects that benefit both people and planet health. Priority will be given to regenerating green spaces for community use, particularly in disadvantaged areas.

Examples of green projects could include:

  • improving a local community garden for community use and recreational activities
  • volunteer-led tree or flower planting to improve air quality and biodiversity
  • creating an outdoor classroom or ‘forest school’ on school grounds
  • creating a community food growing space

The funding is delivered in partnership with Groundwork as part of Bupa's #HealthyCities campaign.

The closing date for applications is the 30th June 2024.


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19th June 2024