Grant Directories
The Matthew Good Foundation - Grants for Good (UK) |
The Royal Countryside Fund - Supporting Rural Communities Grant Programme (UK) This UK-wide grant programme supports transformative, community-led initiatives in rural areas. It aims to inspire change and encourage economic vibrancy by funding innovative solutions. The programme targets projects that align with themes such as keeping young people in the countryside, powering up rural communities, increasing environmental sustainability, and building emergency resilience. Isolated rural areas where alternative services are unavailable receive focused support. Projects must be community-led, demonstrating a clear understanding of local needs and showcasing characteristics like long-term vision, collaboration, and innovation. |
Foundation Scotland - RWE Rosehall Wind Farm Community Fund (Highlands) Foundation Scotland exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the RWE Rosehall Wind Farm Community Fund (Highlands) the foundation provides grants of up to £25,000 to invest in activities and initiatives that help build a vibrant local economy, support and encourage thriving communities and make the area an attractive place to live, work and visit for people of all ages. |
Foundation Scotland - Langhope Rig Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund (Scottish Borders) Foundation Scotland exists to benefit disadvantaged communities by making grants to support relevant charitable or voluntary organisations, which make a difference to their local communities. Through the Langhope Rig Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund (Scottish Borders) the foundation provides grants of up to £20,000 to support charitable activities that: Encourage community activity and promote community spirit; Ensure adequate access to services for all community members; Improve local transport infrastructure; Build the local economy; Build community capacity and cohesion between groups ; Develop or maintain community assets. |
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation - Small Grant (UK) The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation is a grant making foundation that give grants to small and medium sized local organisations in the UK with a demonstrable track record of success working to address local issues in communities of extreme urban deprivation and deprived rural districts. Through the small grants programme the foundation provides funding of between £2,000 and £10,000 to charitable organisations with an income of less than £250,000 for projects that focus on Community Support. Examples of the kind of projects that can be funded include: CommunityServices; CommunityCentres; Alternative Education; Training, mentoring, employment and volunteering opportunities; Youth; Counselling; Family Support Services; Substance Misuse. |
Creative Scotland Regular Funding (Scotland) Regular Funding is one of Creative Scotland's three routes to funding for arts, screen and creative organisations. Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) are a network of organisations across Scotland which, individually and collectively, form an important part of Scotland's cultural sector, making a significant contribution to society: creatively, socially and economically. Regular Funding provides 3-year funding for organisations, and is one of the key means by which the ambitions, priorities and connecting themes highlighted in the Creative Scotland 10 Year Plan are be addressed. It provides stable support for a range of organisations and consortia across Scotland who make an important contribution to the development of the arts, screen and creative industries, enabling them to plan and deliver activities over a 3-year period. |
Bethnal Green Ventures (UK) Bethnal Green Ventures (BGV) is an accelerator programme, early-stage investor and support network for ambitious technology start-ups that are tackling problems in the areas of health, education, sustainability, civic engagement, tech to support young people, workertech. BGV's accelerator programme invests in and supports teams with new ideas through an intensive three-month programme. Supported teams may include software developers, designers or people with personal experience of something they want to change - from teachers and doctors, to patients and carers. BGV looks for early-stage ideas with the potential to help millions of people. Teams of between two and four people selected to be part of the BGV programme will benefit from a £60,000 investment in exchange for 7% equity. BGV also provides a three month programme of support and advice to help build, test and launch each start-up. |
Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (Scotland) The Regeneration Capital Grant Fund supports projects that will help to deliver local regeneration in disadvantaged areas with the involvement of local communities themselves. Projects supported will focus on areas that suffer from high levels of deprivation and disadvantage; demonstrate clear community involvement; deliver large scale transformational change with strong regeneration outcomes and encourage additional investment and address market failure. All 32 Scottish local authorities are eligible to apply either individually or through urban regeneration companies (URCs) or other Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). Applications to the fund are made annually by deadlines published on the website. |
Friends Provident Foundation (UK) The Friends Provident Foundation provides financial support to projects that promote a more resilient, sustainable and fairer economic system. The Foundation works on two levels. Systems change which aims to support work that can help to transform corporate behaviour, and to stimulate change in the current financial system; and Building local economic resilience which aims to test and review local or small-scale initiatives that build economic resilience through diversity, flexibility and building capabilities. Trustees will consider applications for grants, loans, underwriting or other forms of financial support. |
The National Lottery Community Fund - Coastal Communities Fund (Wales) The Coastal Communities Fund, which is financed through the Crown Estate's Marine activities, provides grants in excess of £50,000 per project to support the economic development of UK coastal communities. |
Mohammad Ibrahim Foundation - Grants Programme (UK) The Mohammad Ibrahim Foundation is a private independent grant making foundation. It makes grants to organisations which aim to improve the quality of life for people and communities in the UK, both now and in the future. Grants are awarded twice a year for works that help transform the UK. The grants range from £500 - £10,000. Extraordinary projects may receive grants up to £50,000. The Foundation is particularly interested in: Community Building, Environment (Scotland only), Strengthening Nonprofits and Supporting Families. The Foundation likes to consider work which others may find hard to fund, perhaps because it breaks new ground, appears too risky, requires core funding, or needs a more unusual form of financial help such as a loan. Applications can be submitted at any time. |
Community Foundations (UK) Community Foundations support community and voluntary sector activity through grants to local groups and organisations. There are 48 Community Foundations of different sizes within the UK. Although all Community Foundations operate according to common criteria, they vary in terms of size and nature of grants available. Some Community Foundations will fund both organisations and individuals whilst other foundations will only fund organisations. Each community foundation covers a specific geographic area and will not normally be able to support work outside its area. |
Tudor Trust Grant Programmes (UK) The Tudor Trust is an independent grant-making trust which supports voluntary and community groups working in any part of the UK. The Trust particularly want to help smaller, community-led organisations which work directly with people who are at the margins of society: organisations which support positive changes in people’s lives and in their communities. The Tudor Trust don't have specific funding programmes designed to advance a particular agenda as they believe that the groups they support are best placed to identify problems and develop solutions. |