Local Funding

Scottish Welfare Fund
Falkirk Council

People living in Falkirk can apply to their local Council for Scottish Welfare Fund grants.  These grants do not have to be paid back. There are two types of grants available.


Crisis Grants

These grants are to meet an urgent need that poses an immediate and substantial risk to health and safety. These grants can help provide access to essential items such as food and energy supply (electricity or gas).


Community Care Grants

These grants are to help people remain in the community or move back into the community or help ease exceptional pressure. These grants can help provide access to a wide range of basic household items.

You can apply if you:

  • live in the Falkirk Council area
  • are legally resident in the UK
  • are aged 16 and over
  • are on a qualifying benefit eg Income Support or a low income
  • do not have any access to other appropriate sources of financial support
  • are subject to a sanction or disallowance by the DWP and have had your benefit reduced as a result as you may be considered for a Crisis Grant until you can arrange a hardship payment

Please contact Falkirk Council for details

Scottish Welfare Fund helpline

01324 503603
