Grant News

Funding of up to £5,000 Available to Tackle Problems within Families (UK)

Registered charities whose activities support and encourage the family to work as a cohesive unit in tackling problems that face one or more of its members can apply for grants of up to £5,000 through the Kelly Family Charitable Trust. 

Higher grant amounts can be awarded at the discretion of trustees.

Both capital and revenue grants are available, and the Trust welcomes requests for core operating costs in addition to project-based funding. Newly established organisations are encouraged to apply, as the Trust seeks to help charities grow and establish their services.

Initiatives supported by the Trust focus on preventing the fracture of the family unit through interventions such as practical support, relationship counselling, or mediation. Proposals addressing sexual abuse, domestic or physical violence, alcohol or drug misuse, and support for prisoners and their families are also supported

. Although the Trust prefers to fund charities with annual incomes below £500,000, it may consider applications from larger organisations presenting pioneering pilot projects.

The Trust has supported charities like Mosac, which assists non-abusing parents and carers of sexually abused children, and Westminster Befriend a Family, a group that trains volunteers to befriend and regularly visit families under stress in their homes.

Grants are awarded twice a year, and the next application closing date is the 1st September 2025. Interested charities are advised to consult the Trust’s application criteria document for details on how to apply.


Useful Documents:

Application Criteria

4th March 2025